Little new guy added to the cast
Each skin variant painted as usual with our beloved 3D-Coat ♥ Yet I didn't follow completely the original designs (as you might have noticed, I like to take some artistic freedom when it comes to fan art ;))
I've also rigged/skinned/animated it through akeytsu, it was super simple (it's just about a big pelvis, no bend, two limited arms...but it was interesting to bring some life to this =))
The model is available on both artstation & flippednormals, simply search for "vexod14" once there
Rendered using Marmoset Toolbag 4.03, modeled with 3dsMax
I also did a new posing for the artstation thumbnail of Mevenn, sinci now she holds two lightsabers and has evolved in terms of posing, I thought it was the good moment to refresh it :
In the meantime, I'm working hard to bring out more content in SWR, the demo made great impression so far over all the fandom, but it wasn't accomplished as I envisioned it.
Cheers guys !